The best exercises to lose weight are those where you spend more calories in less time such as running or swimming, but to lose weight efficiently and maintain results it is important to combine these exercises with muscle exercises that must be performed in the gym, preferably under the supervision of a personal trainer.
Aerobic exercises such as walking and running increase the heart rate and burn more calories, while endurance exercises such as muscles favor muscle hypertrophy allowing an increase in muscle size causing the individual to consume more energy.
5 Exercises to lose weight
The best exercises to lose weight in the gym are aerobics, some examples are:
1.Hiit training
The hiit training helps burn around 400 calories per hour and consists of a set of high intensity exercises that help eliminate localized fat in just 30 minutes per day, in the fastest and most fun way.
2. The exercises are done intensively to raise the heart rate a lot and, for this reason, this training is more suitable for people who already practice some kind of physical activity. However, there are hitt training routines with easier executions, special for beginners.Crossfit training
The crossfit training is also quite intense and burn around 700 calories per hour, however, this type of training is quite different from what people are used to doing in the gym.
3. In the exercises to exercise the muscles in the crossfit we use different weights, jump ropes, rubbers, boxes, among others and, usually, it is usually done outdoors.Dance Classes
Dancing is a great way to strengthen muscles and burn calories, 1 hour of ballroom dancing helps burn about 300 calories. In addition to this, depending on the type of dance the person can increase flexibility, improve posture and have fun.
4. In this type of activity, in addition to cardiorespiratory and weight loss benefits, socialization is also promoted. Some activities of this kind can also be performed outdoors, as in the case of zumba or dance therapy, which help burn up to 800kcal per hour.
5. Muay Thai is a kind of intense martial art, where it is possible to burn around 700 calories per hour. The workouts are quite intense and help strengthen the muscles, in addition to helping to increase self-esteem and teach self-defense.
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